Chorley & District Support For Ukraine

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Chorley & District Flying the Flag for Ukraine

Just before Christmas 2022, I was invited to a very special concert in Preston (Lancashire) called “UKraine to UK”, which was supported by Lancashire County Council and was produced to showcase Ukrainian culture and to thank the region for its support. As part of the event I was thanked for my efforts and the work of the Chorley & District Support for Ukraine group, and was presented with a very special Ukrainian flag which I accepted on behalf of everyone from the group.

As a Local and Military Historian it was a great honour to receive a flag that had come directly from Ukraine, especially as it was signed by Officers from two Army units currently in action on the battlefield. It is very humbling to receive this flag. When one considers what is happening in Ukraine, time was taken to go to the effort of sending a flag as a sign of appreciation. I look forward to being able to place this very special souvenir on public display and as a sign of our continued support.

1-ша мотострілкова бригада 72 Окремої механізованої бригади.
Бровари, Білопілля, Богодухів, Козача Лопань, Чугуїв, Українка, Берестове, Торецьк, Вугледар.
Громаді міста Чорлі з вдячністю та повагою за підтримку України!
Сулім 09.11.22

1st Motorized Rifle Battalion, 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade.
Brovary, Bilopillya, Bohodukhiv, Kozacha Lopan’, Chuhuiv, Ukrainka, Berestove, Toreck, Vuhledar.
To the Chorley community with gratefulness and respect for supporting Ukraine!
Major Sulim 09.11.22

27-ма Реактивна артилерійська бригада ім кошового отамана Петра Калнишевського. Тростянець, Боромля, Тучне, Харків, Чугуїв, Деркачі, Слобожанське, Балаклія, Ізюм, Барвінкове, Максаки.
Громаді Ланкаширу з вдячністю та повагою, людяності та за  підтримку українського народу.
15.11.22 – Підполковник:   Д. Горб

27th Rocket Artillery Brigade named after Petro Kalnyshevskyi.
Trostyanets, Boromlya, Tuchne, Kharkiv, Chuguiv, Derkachi, Slobozhanske, Balakliya, Izyum, Barvinkove, Maksaki.
To the Lancashire community with gratitude and respect for humanity and support for Ukrainian people.
15.11.22 – Lieutenant Colonel: D. Horb

In 2022, I was honoured to receive a signed Ukrainian flag from the 1st Motorized Rifle Battalion – 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade and the 27th Rocket Artillery Brigade On 22nd March 2023 I was presented with two more flags by our good friend Vitalii. Vitalii has been working hard gathering donations from across Wigan & District and has an excellent network of volunteers in Ukraine.

The two flags have come directly from Ukraine and have been signed by members of: 2nd Rifle Battalion – 128th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade and the 69th Separate Rifle Battalion. Both of these units have been heavily involved in the fighting in Ukraine and the fact they have made the effort of getting these flags to the UK shows that our efforts in supporting them with donations ​is necessary and appreciated!

I hope to display these flags soon at the ‘Ukraine Unit’ in Chorley. They will symbolise our ongoing support and will be a sign of appreciation from Ukraine to everyone who has been involved with the group – Chorley & District Support for Ukraine

As well as the flags, Vitalii also gifted us some uniform insignia that was sent back from Ukraine.

Top left: 128 окрема гірсько-штурмова бригада – 128th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade
Top right: 57 ОМПБр “Народжені в боях” – 57th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade “Born in Fights”
Bottom left: Сили Територіальної оборони ЗСУ – Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Bottom right: 101 окрема бригада ТрО (Закарпатської обл) – 101st Separate Brigade (Transcarpathian Region)

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