Chorley & District Support For Ukraine

Category: News

Second Year Anniversary – 2024

On Monday 26th February 2024 the second “Prayers for Ukraine” service was held at St. Laurence’s Church in Chorley to acknowledge the second anniversary of the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. The service brought together the Chorley & District community and members of the Ukrainian community along with representatives

Milestone session at the ‘Ukraine Unit’

On Saturday 3rd February 2024 the Chorley & District Support for Ukraine group opened the doors to the ‘Ukraine Unit’ donation centre for the 200th time. The occasion was acknowledged with a visit from Sir Lindsay Hoyle – MP for Chorley and Speaker of the House of Commons. Sir Lindsay

Two more MedEvacs for Ukraine!

At the end of November 2023, thanks to the generosity of people from all over the world, we were able to buy two more Medical Evacuation Vehicles for Ukraine. This time we bought a Mitsubishi Shogun and a Nissan XTrail. The drivers were escorted by two more mascots, “Endear” and

MedEvac Vehicles from Chorley driven to Ukraine

The Chorley & District Support for Ukraine group have just delivered their most ambitious consignment of aid yet, as 5 men from Chorley drove two Medical Evacuation Vehicles into the country to hand over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On Saturday 26th August 2023 the ‘Ukraine Unit’ in Chorley

Honours from Ukraine!

What an incredibly proud day for everyone associated with the Chorley & District Support for Ukraine group!On Saturday 12th August 2023, we were honoured to be visited by Bishop Komar from the Sambir-Drohobytska Diocese in Ukraine. After being escorted around the ‘Ukraine Unit’ in Chorley (along with Fr Marsden of

Thanks from Ukraine

In a lot of the boxes and bags of donations that we send to Ukraine, we tuck our logo inside and sometimes a letter of support to show the recipient that there are people who care and are trying to help them. Sometimes, we receive photos back from Ukraine and

“Support for Ukraine” Display

We have created a “Support for Ukraine” Display at the entrance of the ‘Ukraine Unit’. The display consists of our signed Ukrainian flags, military badges from Ukraine, artefacts from the front line and much more. It is hoped that a display such as this will raise awareness of what we

Candles for Ukraine

Many people would be mistaken for thinking that some of the photography coming out of Ukraine is actually showing the French battlefields of World War One! Trench systems have been dug and Soldiers are living like the ‘Tommies’ of the Great War. A priority every day is to keep warm

Medical Aid to Ukraine

Between March-May 2023, we collected, boxed and labelled, 12 very specific pallet loads of medical aid and handed them over to our friends at International Aid Trust. The medical supplies that left Chorley was worth over a hundred thousand pounds! These donations will do so much good and will undoubtedly

One Year Anniversary – 2023

To mark the one year anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, the Chorley & District community pulled together to ensure that the anniversary did not go unacknowledged. The Chorley Ukraine Community Group ‘Kalyna’ was supported by Chorley Council to hold a Remembrance Service on the Town Hall Square